7 Tech Makina

Sorting Machines

Sorting Machines product
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7 Tech Makina

Crimea Group

Crackers our product
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7 Tech Makina

Hulling And Drying Group

Hulling And Drying Group product
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7 Tech Makina

Ventilation Equipments

Ventılatıon Equıpments product
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7 Tech Makina

Assistive Equipments

Assistive Equipments
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7 Tech Makina

Transport Equipments

Transport Equipments product
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Welcome to Our Website

7TECH Engineering and Machinery Industry was founded in 2023 by Savaş Kaplan and Zekeriya Turan Yakar, with their 18 years of knowledge and experience in the food processing machinery manufacturing sector, in line with their young, dynamic, researcher values and visionary goals.

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